Разведение и продажа ахалтекинских лошадей от заводчика

Vladimir Shamborant Stud, Shael Stud is one of the world's leaders in the breeding of Russian thoroughbred (Akhal-Teke) horses, pursuing the highest performance sport horse breeding traditions. Since being established in 1991 our vision is to create typical, athletic, and energetic horses of high quality, which meet the requirements of modern equestrian sport. Today our Akhal-Tekes adorn well-known equestrian clubs worldwide.

Our stud farm is the last place of work of the most significant breeder of Akhal-Teke horses in the 20th century V. Shamborant, who was actively involved in our formation.

Here you can buy a purebred Akhal-Teke horses Shael brand, satisfying the most demanding tastes and requirements as to the soul, amateur sports, as well as for the classical equestrian sports of high performance, racing, polo and endurance.

Welcome to the world of Russian thoroughbred (Akhal-Teke) Shael horses.





  • 03.02.2025
    Представляем вашему вниманию сложно инбредную кобылку: Газыр 2-4,3, Джасман 3-4, Айханум 3-5, Омар 4-6,5 https://shael-teke.ru/newborn/Agara/...
  • 14.01.2025
    Шерги Шаэль открывает сезон 2025 года https://shael-teke.ru/newborn/Sherghi/...
  • 06.09.2024
    Пять молодых кобыл 2022 года рождения пополнили маточный состав на 2025 год.  https://shael-teke.ru/broodmares/...

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